Awareness Healthy Project by Educational Institutions

Awareness Healthy Project by Educational Institutions

The General Directorate of Duhok Health and the Education Directorate in collaboration with (HAE) Organization have organized specialized courses for teachers within the Education Directorate of Duhok, to ramp the health levels as well as awareness within the educational institutions.

Haven Haji, is a teacher participating with this session, said: It is the first day of launching this project by the educational sector for teachers, which has 260 teachers. The session may take five days explaining 5 healthy subjects relating to our daily lives plus some important information and we are hopeful to be as a bridge  transfer all these information to our students attach to all the houses to spread the culture of health within our society.

As stated Dr. Nur al-Din Abdullah on this project: The main objectives of this project is to prepare the teachers acting as coach and leadership within the school and be able to transfer information to their students. We will explain the important topics dedicated to the students, including; the student health, the study methods and how to maintain a healthy environment later we'll look forward to the schools that we have taken as a model for the application of the project to spread the development of the scientific level.

Awareness Healthy Project by Educational Institutions
Awareness Healthy Project by Educational Institutions