The Health System and Health Care Levels

Primary health care level (primary health care centers)


  1. Main departments
    • Planning and Health Training Department,
    • Department of Technical Affairs,
    • Preventive Health Department,
    • Department of Pharmacy,
    • Department of Engineering,
    • Administration Department,
    • Financial Department,
    • Department of Medical Affairs and Special Services.

Health Policy

It is the responsibility of Ministry of Health to plot for the health strategy and policy of Kurdistan Region. In Duhok governorate, however, it is the General Directorate of Health and its departments which are actually responsible of planning, managing and monitoring the directorates, districts and health facilities.


Geography of Duhok governorate

On 29th of May 1969 Duhok became a governorate. It is located in the northwest of Iraq and at the north of all Iraqi governorates. Having borders with three countries (Iraq, Turkey, and Syria) and being one of the main trading centers, Duhok is considered an important governorate of Kurdistan Region.


This document contains information about the components, work, and activities of the General Directorate of Health - Duhok.



Surgical operation done by P.Dr.Qazee Zibaree

Surgical operation done by P.Dr.Qazee Zibaree

In Azadi teaching hospital in Dohuk ,the professor Dr. Qazee Zebaree from America in cooperation with another specialized doctors from Dohuk , doing( kidney Transportation).
In the third day of his visit the P.Dr. Zebaree to give Azadi T. H. the ( Radio - frequeablation ) machine as a gift and in the same time used for cut a piece of sick woman's liver.

The Hepatitis clinic opened in Azadi T. H.

The Hepatitis clinic opened in Azadi T. H.

For controlling the hepatitis disease in Dohuk governorate , the hepatitis clinic opened in Azadi teaching hospital .



