Complete excision of 9 kg mass from abdomen

Complete excision of 9 kg mass from abdomen

A 35 years old female presented with chronic abdominal discomfort and heaviness, decrease appetite but normal bowel habits , shortness of breath specially on lying down , normal urination , with usual menstrual cycles , and increase in abdominal girth. O/E Hugely distended abdomen up to epigastria , palpable very big mass at pelvis and abdomen , soft immobile but transmitted. thrill +ve at the cystic mass .PT. – ve . U/S very big left ovarian complex mass . C.X.R. normal . CT- scan of abdomen showed very big left ovarian mass. operation was done by surgical team consisted of (Dr.Abdullah Saeed Abdullah; consultant surgeon) and (Dr. Sabah Ahmed , Dr.Fraedon Faeq Ahmed seniors house officer) on Sunday 22Febuary 2009. During exploration there is a huge cystic lesion originated from left retro peritoneum in Azadi teaching hospital (ATH ) in Dohuk city. Extended from pelvic to the left sub diaphragmatic space complete excision was done without complication Post operative period was past smoothly with no complication. The cyst send for histopathology examination Ct 125 705 n m/l C.B.C. + ESR 21 mm/g Hb 9.4