Debate between Duhok Health and Alexandria health Center

Debate between Duhok Health and Alexandria health Center

After the contract signed between the Directorate General of Duhok Health and Alexandria Health Center, Duhok Health had set a debate with Alexandria Health Center on how to reduce the caesarean operations which outlined by the Director-General of Duhok Health, Dr. Nezar Ismat lighted on their future plans providing the postgraduate doctors missions to Alexandria University through other debates.

On other side, the adviser of Alexandria Center of African and Arab, Ibrahim Al.Mabot bring out on the great strides in all fields especially in health fields, also having a passion for development within the health sector supportive of the exchange information and developments.

Through this corresponding, some sport exercises were explained by Dr. Hana Mohammad Qasim specialist in the Woman’s Health Center in Alexandria, for pregnant in order to ease the process of  childbirth.

Debate between Duhok Health and Alexandria health Center
Debate between Duhok Health and Alexandria health Center