For the First Time Electronic Endoscopy System in Duhok

For the First Time Electronic Endoscopy System in Duhok


Due of carrying out Duhok Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center (DGHC)  their work in 2008, was unable to provide services for the citizens in which required, until after widening the center where existed all the services necessary for the lung disease and digestive system.

Dr. Audih Yohana director of Duhok Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center (DGHC) has revealed out of creating new electronic system for endoscopy surgery in the center, as he added: we have all kinds of spyglass for the stomach; colon and gall bladder in addition to the possibility of procedure the surgeries.

For the First Time Electronic Endoscopy System in Duhok
For the First Time Electronic Endoscopy System in Duhok
For the First Time Electronic Endoscopy System in Duhok