Implant Process of 70 Snails Ear for Duhok Children

Implant Process of 70 Snails Ear for Duhok Children

The Health Directorate of Duhok had conduct 70 surgeries implant snails ear after the approval from the World Health Organization for all Duhok children, according to the program planned by the Kurdistan Regional Government to allocate a sum of money for families those have children, deaf and dumb.

Dr. Afrasiab Moses, director of the Azadi Teaching Hospital in Duhok stressed of having 300 deaf children, Kurdistan Regional Government and the Ministry of Health province allocated 70 pieces of snails for Duhok. This operation costing amount 18 thousand dollars, while in abroad costing 40 thousand dollars the family cannot savings this high mount

Implant Process of 70 Snails Ear for Duhok Children
Implant Process of 70 Snails Ear for Duhok Children