Planning Modern Designs for Duhok Health by Italian Organization

Planning Modern Designs for Duhok Health by Italian Organization
In the presence of governor of Duhok Mr. Farhad Atroshy, the health department of Duhok has discussed with AISPO Italian Organization on the project and prepared modern designs in accordance with international standards for the construction of health centers in the province of Duhok.
Mr. Farhad Atroshy affirmed that Italian organization has prepared modern designs according to the international standards for Duhok  Health the aim of implementing these designs and models is to enable the provision of better services to citizens in the field of health.
Dr. Nizar Esmat, Director General of Health Duhok, has cleared the discussion on a healthy system has interview in collaboration with the Organization of AISPO in Sesara Italian University where was preparing the designs in Italy and the efforts are continued with the organization so that could develop the healthy system in Kurdistan Region.
Furthermore, the Italian Prime AISPO during his speech has assured that the project is one of the agreement points signed between the Italian government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, particularly in the healthy field in Duhok province, where due to implementation of modern systems in accordance with international standards for Duhok the Directorate of Health.