Ready to Open a New Hospital

Ready to Open a New Hospital

   In cooperation with GIZ, Directorate General of Health in Duhok Governorate is preparing a new medical team for the emergency department at Azadi Hospital.

In this connection, Dr. Nazar Esmat, Director General of Duhok Health assured that the Emergency Department at Azadi Hospital is in its final stages of construction. He added that; we were supposed to develop an action plan in cooperation with GIZ to organize trainingcourses for the emergency department staff. As the project will extend for three years, as it is shown by Dr. Nizar, these courses are organized inside and outside the region that the main objective is to improve the capabilities of medical staff in general.


In this context,  a meeting was held to formulate an action plans to organize training courses for health staff, nurses and doctors of Azadi Hospital and the new hospital built to improve the level of medical services as had explained Dr. Bakhtyar Ahmed form GIZ-Duhok within the framework of the joint cooperation between the Presidency of Duhok Health and the German GIZ organization.