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Follow up the Government and Italian Organizations projects for Healthy Field

Follow up the Government and Italian Organizations projects for Healthy Field

In cooperation of Duhok Health and Italian organization AISPO with SASSARI Italian University have set up a conference discussing on follow up the projects in healthy field had done from Italian parties into Duhok Province.

New Instructions of Importing Foreign Doctors to Kurdistan

New Instructions of Importing Foreign Doctors to Kurdistan

Dr. Abdallah Jassim, and Dr.

Duhok Health sets Vaccination Campaign against Polio in Sinjar and Khanki camp

Duhok Health sets vaccination campaign against polio in Sinjar and Khanki camp
Health institutions has set emergency vaccination campaigns for displaced in Sinjar Mount after liberated large areas of.

statistics of released people from ISIS Organization

رێڤه‌به‌ریا كاروبارێن خوپاراستنا ساخله‌میێ ل دهوكێ ، دپرێس كونفراسه‌كێ رۆژنامه‌ڤ

Health Protection Directorate has adverted in a press conference on statistics displaced people of Sinjar who have been rescued from the Daash terrorist, and the medical tests conducted for 200 people whose reached that seven of them are suffering from skin disease and two people were afflicted w

Providing Immediate First Aid for Displaced by The German Government in Duhok

Providing Immediate First Aid for Displaced by The German Government in Duhok

In coordination with the General Directorate of Health Duhok, the German governmentprovided three ambulances to Duhok Health, in order to provide the medical assistance and health sectors in Duhok.

Building up Two Health Centers from UNICEF forthe Displaced

Building up Two Health Centers from UNICEF forthe Displaced

A delegation from the UNICEF Organization headed by Dr. Qasem Othman,the head of health Department of the Organization, visited Duhok health is due to created two health centers for displaced camps.

Implant Process of 70 Snails Ear for Duhok Children

Implant Process of 70 Snails Ear for Duhok Children

The Health Directorate of Duhok had conduct 70 surgeries implant snails ear after the approval from the World Health Organization for all Duhok children, according to the program planned by the Kurdistan Regional Government to allocate a sum of money for families those have children, deaf and dumb.

Commemorated the World Day of AIDS

Commemorated the World Day of AIDS

The Directorate Health Prevention of Duhok had commemorated World Day of AIDS, through undertaking various activities and provides special seminars on the disease are due to educational awareness of the various societies.

aids from Swedish organizations to the displaced

aids from Swedish organizations to the displaced


General Directorate of Duhok Health has received a delegation from the Swedish organization came to Kurdistan in coordination with a number of Kurds activists living in Sweden.

British Commission establish a health center in Khanki camp

British Commission establish a health center in Khanki camp

The General Directorate of Duhok Health Signed a contract with the British Commission for establishment a health center in Khanki camp for the displaced is scheduled to run the Center for a year, in coordination with the Director of Health Duhok.