Commemorate the International Day for Thalassemia Patients

Commemorate the International Day for Thalassemia Patients

On the occasion of the International Day for thalassemia patients in the 8th of May, Thalassemia Association in Duhok had started their activities, the Director -General of Duhok Health Dr. Nezar Ismat underlined on building a new center for the Association because of the increasing patients’ numbers with the narrowing of the center. He had delivered a speech to the audience in which explained the treatment being here for thalassemia patients, is not  full recovery , added : regardless of our incapable to present full recovery for the thalassemia patients, the Government Kurdistan Region had never omission with this regard, including sending children to aboard to bone marrow transplants, and we have a strategic plan to build special thalassemia centers in the three provinces where performed a bone marrow transplant .

As Mr. Mhyy Al-DynAbdullah, the head of thalassemia Association in Duhok had draw attention on their beginning period in 2006, they had only 81 patients but nowadays the number of patients is increasing to 933, where are providing medicines through the Directorate General of  Health-Duhok . He also appealed to all concerned people to assist and support their association ,and called for the government to continue to refer patients abroad for treatment.

Commemorate the International Day for Thalassemia Patients
Commemorate the International Day for Thalassemia Patients