Psychiatric Dep. in Golan Hospital- Aqra

Psychiatric Dep. in Golan Hospital- Aqra
       Following the coordination between  the Directorate Health  of Aqra- and Duhok, first psychological counseling have already been inaugurated in Golan Hospital-Aqrah. 

Minister of Health An Official Visit to Duhok

Minister of Health An Official Visit to Duhok


Ready to Open a New Hospital

Ready to Open a New Hospital

   In cooperation with GIZ, Directorate General of Health in Duhok Governorate is preparing a new medical team for the emergency department at Azadi Hospital.

Training Course on Diabetes and How Living With

Training Course on Diabetes and How Living  With
      According to The World Health Organization has predicted that diabetes will become the seventh leading cause of death in 2030.

Organizing the 8th Mesopotamia Conference in Dohuk

Organizing the 8th Mesopotamia Conference in Dohuk

     On 22th Jun. 2019 the eighth conference of Mesopotamia Health was held in Duhok included five medical health seminars discussion several new scientific studies in Kurdish language on modern health science, such as Colon disease, blockage of blood vessels, use of robots during surgery and a number of other sensitive diseases.

Providing Six Thousand of Prosthesis

Providing Six Thousand of Prosthesis

     The director of Duhok Medical Rehabilitation Center in Duhok, Dr. Blind Hassan had confirmed the provision of six thousand of prosthesis to Duhok Medical Rehabilitation Center with a total of 360,000 Euros.

Blood Drive During the Holy Ramadan

 Blood Drive During the Holy Ramadan
At Nawrouz Square which is at the opposite of  Duhok Governorate institution in the center of Dohuk city, a blood donation campaign had strated by the Blood Bank team where they were managed to collect 61 Blood bags on the first day of Ramadan.

US doctors carry out free surgeries in Duhok

US doctors carry out free surgeries in Duhok

      The Kurdistan Region used of visiting foreign delegations annually for various purposes, including this visit by the American medical delegation for the purpose of providing several medical services to the citizens of Dohuk governorate, treating patients, training doctors in Dohuk governorate besides  moral and material providing assistance to the He

US organization signed a contract with the health-Dohuk

US organization signed a contract with the health-Dohuk

In the purpose of development  the field health sector in the province of Duhok  and organizing  training courses for health staff on the latest scientific inventions of the health field, the directorate general of Health-Duhok  signed a contract with the American organization Global Med. The General Director of Duhok Health Dr.

The Statistics of Duhok- Health

The Statistics of Duhok- Health
The General Directorate of Health in Duhok Governorate announced its statistics of  the last year, where the number of health institutions' patients reached 3914705 last year, the number of patients in hospitals and private centers reached and  it should be recalled that the number of cancer patients amounted to about 1045.